Website Development

The importance of website development in today’s age cannot be overemphasised. Especially,  every big company, applications, etc  require a website of their own.  Understanding how to create a website, means that  your kid can turn any idea  into a business with code. Definitely It’s exciting, fun and more powerful than you can imagine. Website designing for kids  teaches children how to use HTML and CSS. The basics of website developing is taught to children in a kid friendly and fun learning environment.

Why Website Development course?

  • It is interesting and fun. Creating a website of your own by implementing your own ideas, illustration, graphics and content can be a fun and wholesome experience. 
  • Builds Confidence. Children to experience the feeling of success by Designing and creating their own coding projects. It also helps to build confidence. Moreover, It  helps to build  confidence.
  • Learn a variety of skills. Creating a website requires the implementation of knowledge about content writing, graphic designing, website designing and much more. Undoubtedly, this course helps a child develop each aspect needed for website development.
  • Career advantage.  Every big company of the cities of UAE, applications, etc requiring a website of their own.  Thus learning the basics of website development  gives children  a head start into their career options.
  • Best learnt at a young age. Immportantly children have a greater capacity to absorb and faster learning skills. Hence, website development is learnt best at a young age for your child to grow up with strong basics and concepts.

Benefits of the programme

1:1 and group learning

The 1:1 and group teaching facility that we provide, makes it all the more easier for children to grasp clarity on concepts.

Quality education

The programme on website development ensures quality education for children of varying ages using innovative teaching techniques to engage the attention of children.

Inspiring teachers and supportive peers

The course assures the provision of quality learning imparted by trained educators who are given the duty of teaching children in a fun-loving environment. Our teachers have a lot of experience interacting with kids and caring for their personal development.

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